So, T says, "Eight ball corner pocket"
All his attention focused on the cue ball. The pool cue swaying back and forth. Then suddenly as if lightning whipped and thunder rumbled the pool cue flew foward.
The solid white sphere of instant carnage rose from the green felt, floated over the targeted solid eight ball and effortlessly over the side of the table.
A dull thud.
Momentum rolled the cue ball under three tables towards the corner of the pool hall. Missing the legs of people, tables and chairs.
It came to a slow and soft stop in the corner. Just as if someone had placed it there on purpose. No one was the wiser that a projected object had just crossed the room, well all except me and T, who was now going after it.
Upon return T says, "So.... I guess they call that a scratch"
I've never won a game before with a call of "cue ball corner of room"
This entry was posted by the Cat, on Friday, February 27, 2004.
The solid white sphere of instant carnage rose from the green felt, floated over the targeted solid eight ball and effortlessly over the side of the table.
A dull thud.
Momentum rolled the cue ball under three tables towards the corner of the pool hall. Missing the legs of people, tables and chairs.
It came to a slow and soft stop in the corner. Just as if someone had placed it there on purpose. No one was the wiser that a projected object had just crossed the room, well all except me and T, who was now going after it.
Upon return T says, "So.... I guess they call that a scratch"
I've never won a game before with a call of "cue ball corner of room"
This entry was posted by the Cat, on Friday, February 27, 2004.