Sunday, October 29, 2006 by the Cat
World's most expensive car wash (Watch the movie for the full story) World's most expensive car wash worth more than $10,000. Believe it or not, if you want this man to wash your car for you its gonna cost you a pretty penny. This is officialy the most expensive car wash on the planet and its only for supercars. He will not wash Seats of VWs. Only Porsches, Ferraris, Maseratis, Lambos and so on....
found the story hereRemember: Turn Back Your Clock!
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Saturday, October 28, 2006 by the Cat
Japanese champ to defend burger titleFri Oct 27, 9:34 PM ETJapanese competitive eater Takeru Kobayashi will try to defend his title in a Tennessee hamburger-eating contest in which he is undefeated. He is among 13 finalists that are going to Chattanooga, headquarters of fast-food chain Krystal Co., to eat as many small, square hamburgers as they can in eight minutes. Kobayashi took the title in the contest's first year in 2004 and again in 2005. Last year, Kobayashi swallowed 67 hamburgers to win the title and a check for $10,000. The eating machine from Nagano fended off San Diego State University engineering student Joey Chestnut, who was tied with Kobayashi at 60 Krystals with 37 seconds left. Chestnut finished with only 62, but he will return to challenge Kobayashi this year.  Now a project engineer living in San Jose, California, Chestnut said he has been training for the finals using frozen Krystal burgers because there are not any locations in California. The 172-pound Kobayashi finished 69 Krystals during the first contest in 2004. Kobayashi also holds the title of hot dog-eating champion, after eating 49 hot dogs in 12 minutes at the Nathan's Famous Fourth of July International Hot Dog-Eating Contest at Coney Island, New York. Krystal, the oldest fast-food chain in the South, holds two-minute qualifying rounds in eight Southern U.S. cities in the months leading up to the championship. The average person can eat four to six Krystal burgers in two minutes; Chestnut ate 28. The Krystal finals are governed by the International Federation of Competitive Eating. Founded by brothers Richard and George Shea in 1997, it regulates events for safety and keeps records on everything from meatballs to green chiles.
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Friday, October 27, 2006 by the Cat
Because we don't already have enough fried foods..Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:48 AM ETNEW YORK, Oct 26 (Reuters Life!) - A new fast food is making its debut at U.S. fairs this fall -- fried Coke. Abel Gonzales, 36, a computer analyst from Dallas, tried about 15 different varieties before coming up with his perfect recipe -- a batter mix made with Coca-Cola syrup, a drizzle of strawberry syrup, and some strawberries. Balls of the batter are then deep-fried, ending up like ping-pong ball sized doughnuts which are then served in a cup, topped with Coca-Cola syrup, whipped cream, cinnamon sugar and a cherry on the top. "It tastes great," said Sue Gooding, a spokeswoman for the State Fair of Texas where Gonzales' fried Coke made its debut this fall. "It was a huge success." Gonzales ran two stands at the State Fair of Texas and sold up to 35,000 fried Cokes over 24 days for $4.50 each -- and won a prize for coming up with "most creative" new fair food. Now other fairs in North Carolina and Arizona are following the trend, and other people are trying to emulate Gonzales' recipe. Gonzales gave no indication of the calories in his creation and said he would not patent it. "The best I can hope for is that it's the original and hopefully the best fried Coke out there," he said. But Gonzales said the success of his fried Coke had inspired him. Next year's fair-goers can look forward to fried Sprite or -- for those watching their weight -- fried diet Coke. "We are trying to cut a lot of the sugar out of it. It has less calories but it's still very, very sweet," he said. Ray Crockett, a spokesman for Coca-Cola Co., said: "We're constantly amazed at the creative ways folks find to enjoy their Coke and make it part of celebrations like fairs and festivals. This is one is definitely different!"
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Wednesday, October 25, 2006 by the Cat
"Have you ever done anything of particular merit?", St. Peter asked. "Well, I can think of one thing," the man offered. "Once, on a trip to the Black Hills out in South Dakota, I came upon a gang of bikers, who were threatening a young woman. I directed them to leave her alone, but they wouldn't listen. So, I approached the largest and most heavily tattooed biker and smacked him on the head, kicked his bike over, ripped out his nose ring, and threw it on the ground. I yelled, "Now, back off!! Or you'll answer to me!" St. Peter was impressed, "When did this happen?" "Just a couple minutes ago."
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Tuesday, October 24, 2006 by the Cat
 The Zen of Gadgets~ Faucet Light
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Sunday, October 22, 2006 by the Cat
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Saturday, October 21, 2006 by the Cat
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Friday, October 20, 2006 by the Cat
It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference. ~Tom Brokaw
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Thursday, October 19, 2006 by the Cat
Urinals Shaped Like Woman's Mouth Cause Stir in ViennaThursday , October 19, 2006VIENNA, Austria — An Austrian businessman announced Thursday that he would get rid of urinals shaped like a woman's mouth from a public toilet near Vienna's national opera, after facing pressure from politicians who demanded their removal. The urinals, which are located in the "Opera Toilet," a lavishly decorated public restroom, feature thick, lipsticked lips, a set of teeth and a bright red tongue. "We think that it's tasteless, misogynistic and offensive," Marianne Lackner, media spokeswoman for the Vienna Department of Women's Affairs told The Associated Press. The department, headed by Social Democrat Sonja Wehsely, said it was appealing to the owner's good will, but was also exploring the possibility of legal action. Monika Vana, the Green Party's spokeswoman for women's affairs, also denounced the toilets, telling the Austria Press Agency that they are "sexist and inappropriate." "The owner thinks the idea (of the urinal) is funny," Lackner said, adding that it seemed he was not prepared for the hostile reactions. Neuhold Gerhard, owner of the toilet's operator Neuhold Gerhard Limited, said in an interview Thursday with Austrian public radio that he would remove the urinals.  "If there is such outrage in Austria then it's not a problem," he said. "We will remove them in the next 14 days." Gerhard added that he thought it odd that public interest has only now been focused on the urinals, as they have been around for three years. The urinals first made a splash during recent campaigns for national elections, as they were the only facility available near Austria's National Opera. "The thing that surprises us the most," Lackner said, "is that no man has ever said anything about this."
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006 by the Cat
Turkey Testicle Festival can keep name Tue Oct 17, 11:46 PM ETOrganizers of fourth annual Turkey Testicle Festival can keep their name, despite concerns about the propriety of the word and the island's virtue. The Fort Myers Beach Council voted 4-1 Monday to allow the Surf Club bar to use the Turkey Testicle Festival name after a laugh-out-loud discussion, according to the News-Press. Councilman Charles Meador said this year's festival will the fourth annual, and went on to list more than 12 other cities that host annual events with the name "testicle." "Who cares what the name is," Mayor Dennis Boback said. "Money is going for a worthy cause." The festival has raised about $3,000 for the Harry Chapin Food Bank in each of its past three years. A change in policy that requires the town council to approve special events brought the issue of the name to the table two weeks ago. Councilmen Bill Shenko and Garr Reynolds had said the name is inappropriate for a family island. They asked that the word testicle be removed from the name and all advertising. Shenko reversed his position Monday and supported the name. Reynolds continued his opposition. "We do have youngsters here," Reynolds said. "We're trying to uplift their thinking."
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Tuesday, October 17, 2006 by the Cat
She decided to assess his condition by administering a Rorschach test. She showed him the first inkblot and said, "Tell me what you see." The man answered, "I see people having sex." She made a note, and then showed him the next card. Again, he said, "I see people having sex." After a third, fourth, and fifth card, he kept saying the same thing: "People having sex." When he said the same thing the sixth time, the psychiatrist lost her patience. "Why is it that every time I show you an inkblot, you say you see people having sex?!?" "You're one to talk," answered the man. "You're the one showing me all the dirty pictures."
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Monday, October 16, 2006 by the Cat
The world is full of willing people, some willing to work, the rest willing to let them. ~ Robert Frost
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Sunday, October 15, 2006 by the Cat
Chef makes wedding gown with cream puffs By MATT HAGENGRUBER, Associated Press WriterThu Oct 12, 7:02 PM ETValentyn Shtefano's pastries were known for attracting stares and giggles as well as lip-smacking murmurs. But even his fiancee was surprised when Shtefano told her he was making her wedding dress — out of flour, eggs, sugar and caramel. The dress — made of 1,500 cream puffs and weighing 20 pounds — took the 28-year-old baker two months to make, and by the end of the wedding reception, bride Viktoriya said she didn't want to take it off. Shtefano is a rising star in the field of baking as visual art, earning him a following in this city near the border with Slovakia. His creations have generated a buzz in a place where cake is often layers of heavy cream, wafers and nuts or poppy seeds — more something to eat than to look at. "At first glance, it's really a surprise. I didn't even believe it was a cake," said Olha Nemyataya, who sampled some of Shtefano's new desserts. "Nowhere in Uzhhorod have I seen things like this." Shtefano, whose fingernails are stained with food coloring, is eager to introduce new sweets to this city of 125,000, which has a center full of new businesses and cafes but is otherwise dominated by gray Soviet-era apartment buildings. He got his first job as a baker six years ago. Last year, he took a three-month baking course in Paris and entered an international baking competition with his sister. They made a 2-foot-long 1920s-era Cadillac from cream puffs and caramel, and took third place. Some of Shtefano's cakes are strictly for mature audiences, like a pair of breasts on display at a pizzeria where his goods are sold. But he also created an elaborate Easter cake that drew hundreds to a cathedral. It was a black and gold globe hatching from an Easter egg, with pieces of eggshell on top of the globe and falling off to the side. It was too pretty to eat. His biggest challenge was the wedding dress cake. At first, he sewed empty cream puffs together, but the dress collapsed. Then, he carefully attached the puffs to a wedding dress frame, and Viktoriya spent a couple hours each night before the wedding modeling the dress as Shtefano added more puffs. Her crown, bouquet and necklace were made from caramelized sugar. "At first, it was even a little embarrassing," Viktoriya Shtefano said of the dress she wore to the couple's reception in August at Uzhhorod's 1,200-year-old castle. "Cameras, interviews, but after a couple of hours, I didn't even want to take it off." The baker hopes to someday open a business with his sister in Ukraine, believing there's more room for skillful bakers here than in Paris. "Here you can buy jobs," he said. "You want to be president, governor, (parliament) deputy, OK. But my job you can't buy — you have to do it."
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Saturday, October 14, 2006 by the Cat
Quick-footed thieves snag 39 iPods in 15 secondsOkay, so iPods might be easy to flip on eBay, but cruising around with 39 hot PMPs in the trunk of your car (and a stash of PlayStation 2 games to boot) probably isn't the best way to welcome yourself to Utah. Three New Yorkers apparently took those crime dramas a bit too seriously as they acquired "maps of every Target store in Utah and Nevada," and flew off to Riverdale with a heist in mind. When the thieves couldn't break open the iPod display at their primary target (ahem), they sped off to execute plan B, but alerted authorities to their ill intentions in the process. Nevertheless, the crooks finally pulled off the job with utmost haste, as they stuffed 39 iPods (and possibly a few PS2 titles) down a presumably gargantuous pair of "oversized pants" in a blistering 15 seconds. Although the second time proved to be a charm, their sloppiness in round one landed them in police custody less than 24 hours after arriving in the Beehive State. While flying across the country to jack $7,000 worth of 'Pods might make for good television, you're probably better off trying to outwit one of those yet-to-be-altered cash-flinging ATMs if you're feeling frisky.
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Friday, October 13, 2006 by the Cat
from "Ask Yahoo"Workin' nine to five, what a way to make a livin' -- but before 1938, many Americans spent sunrise to sunset on the job, six days a week. And you thought your job was bad. Workers agitated for a 10-hour day as early as the 1820s. Laws were passed reducing work hours for U.S. federal employees and for women workers in a couple states, but these were poorly enforced and mostly useless. Estimates of hours worked in manufacturing from 1830 to 1890 show that a 60- to 70-hour workweek was the norm. In 1909, New York garment workers organized a massive strike to demand a 52-hour workweek. Many of the young women who sewed shirtwaists worked seven days a week, 12 hours a day. Only some of the workers got shorter hours. Finally, after several tries in Congress and battles with the Supreme Court, President Franklin D. Roosevelt got the Fair Labor Standards Act passed in 1938. While this law doesn't set the hours worked per week, it does require overtime pay if employees work more than 40 hours in one week. Of course, employers don't want to pay extra, so they tend to set the full-time week at 40 hours. Salaried workers aren't covered by this law, but it did turn the idea of a 40-hour workweek into the national standard.
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Thursday, October 12, 2006 by the Cat
Wed Oct 11, 11:18 PM ETA 60-year-old man visiting La Crosse to help his elderly mother spent 17 hours in jail this week after a background check during a routine traffic stop uncovered an arrest warrant for a 1984 ticket. Michael L. Saxton of Phoenix, said he never knew about the citation for failure to display boat registration numbers that the Wisconsin Circuit Court Access Consolidated Court Automation Programs' Web site listed as having been issued against him in June 1984. Saxton, a La Crosse native, was jailed from Monday until a Milwaukee County court commissioner reviewed the case Tuesday. The Arizona man said he believes the citation was sent to him right after he moved to Seattle in mid-June 1984. If he known about the ticket, Saxton said, he would have taken care of it before leaving the state. La Crosse County Clerk of Courts Pam Radtke said it is common for people in the county not to show up for citations, and La Crosse County judges only issue arrest warrants for criminal offenses. When someone in La Crosse County fails to make a court appearance on a citation, the judge normally finds them guilty by default, and a letter is sent ordering the person to pay the fine within 60 days. "If they don't pay, we then do a warrant for failure to pay or we do a tax intercept or civil judgment," Radtke said.
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006 by the Cat
If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in the dark with a mosquito. ~Anonymous
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Tuesday, October 10, 2006 by the Cat
Sun Oct 8, 2:39 PM ETDespite heavy rains that stunted pumpkin growth, a Rhode Island farmer has set what could be a new record for the largest pumpkin in the world. Ron Wallace's pumpkin weighed 1,502 pounds at Saturday's weigh-off competition, heavier than the current Guinness World Record-holding 1,469-pound pumpkin grown last year by Larry Checkon of Pennsylvania. Wallace said at the 13th annual Rhode Island Southern New England Giant Pumpkin Growers Championship that the key to growing a giant pumpkin is the ability to commit to the task from April to October. "Pumpkin growing is a lot of work and you just have to stick with it," he said. It is also weather-dependent. Agriculture officials say the heavy rains this season have damaged or stunted the crop of many competitive growers of giant pumpkins. Central and southeastern Massachusetts were the hardest hit. Officials say heavy rain delayed planting, impeded pollination and contributed to rot on blossoms and fruit. Another ailment, "damping-off," constricted pumpkin stems and contributed to the early death of many plants.
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Monday, October 09, 2006 by the Cat
"Anybody who wants to go to heaven, stand up." Everybody stands up except for a drunk man in the corner. The preacher says "My son, don't you want to go to heaven when you die?" The drunk man says "When I die? Sure. I thought you were taking a load up now."
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Sunday, October 08, 2006 by the Cat
Sports fan names newborn son ESPN Sat Oct 7, 9:16 AM ETLeann Real promised her husband, an avid sports fan, that if they ever had a son he'd get to pick the name. ESPN Montana Real was born this week at Biloxi Regional Medical Center. Rusty Real, of D'Iberville, chose ESPN (pronounced Espen) after the sports network and Montana after football legend Joe Montana. Baby ESPN isn't alone. Three others were cited in a 2005 report on about the network's 25th anniversary. They are Espn Malachi McCall in Pampa, Texas; Espn Curiel in Corpus Christi, Texas; and Espn Blondeel in Michigan. "We were the talk of the hospital," Rusty Real said. "The nurses kept asking my wife if she was really going to let her husband name him ESPN. She said, 'Oh, yes.'"
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Saturday, October 07, 2006 by the Cat
Hershey Foods Sets Record for Largest Chocolate Candy with HERSHEY'S KISSES Brand Rich Dark ChocolateNEW YORK, July 31 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Hershey Foods Corporation has just unveiled the World's Largest HERSHEY(R)'S KISSES(R) Chocolate in New York City to celebrate its latest masterpiece, HERSHEY'S KISSES Brand Rich Dark Chocolates. The World's Largest HERSHEY'S KISSES Chocolate is six feet and nine inches tall, six-and-a-half feet wide, and weighs 6,759 pounds, which is equivalent to 675,900 regular-size KISSES chocolates. The weights and measurements of the oversized HERSHEY'S KISSES Rich Dark Chocolate were submitted to Guinness World Records for inclusion in their official records as the "Largest Chocolate Candy."
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Friday, October 06, 2006 by the Cat
Malaysia to levy fines for poor speechThu Oct 5, 7:52 AM ETMalaysia will levy fines on those incorrectly using the national language, and will set up a specialized division to weed out offenders who mix Malay with English, news reports said Thursday. Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister Rais Yatim said fines of up to 1,000 ringgit ($271) can be imposed on displays with any wrong or mutated form of Malay, the Star newspaper reported. The move was to ensure "the national language was not sidelined in any way," Rais said, according to The Star. Fines will be imposed after a first warning, the national news agency Bernama quoted Rais as saying. Most Malaysians speak Malay, also known as Bahasa Malaysia, while English is widely spoken but a mutated form, known as "Manglish" — a mishmash of English, Malay and other local dialects is commonly used in the Southeast Asian nation. The government will attempt to swap commonly used English language words with Malay substitutes, The Star said. "It has to be admitted that a mixture of Bahasa Malaysia and English sometimes cannot be helped, but we hope these measures can arrest the decline," Rais said, according to The Star. He said a national language unit will be set up in an attempt to reduce the English-Malay mix, especially at official functions. An official at Rais' ministry, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed his comments as reported. Critics have said Malaysia's decision to sideline English in favor of Malay is hurting its global competitiveness level and a downward spiral in English language standards among students.
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Thursday, October 05, 2006 by the Cat
Everyone has a photographic memory. Some folks just don't have any film.
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Wednesday, October 04, 2006 by the Cat
Ark. woman shows up drunk at DWI hearing Tue Oct 3, 10:53 PM ETA Little Rock woman facing her fifth drunken-driving charge in the span of a year — and third in less than a month — showed up to a court appearance drunk Tuesday morning, a court official said. Susan Marshall, 55, was arrested for contempt of court after a brief appearance in Little Rock District Court, said chief probation officer Sheila Farley. Marshall later had a blood-alcohol level of 0.147 percent, Farley said. The legal limit for adult drivers in Arkansas is 0.08 percent. Marshall said she did not drive to her court appearance and had no keys when arrested, Farley said. Marshall, who had three drunken-driving arrests in September, was taken to Pulaski County Jail. She was scheduled for another court appearance Wednesday, Farley said.
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Tuesday, October 03, 2006 by the Cat
A sign comes up that reads, "Low Bridge Ahead." Before he knows it, the bridge is right ahead of him and he gets stuck under the bridge. Cars are backed up for miles. Finally, a police car comes up. The cop gets out of his car and walks to the truck driver, puts his hands on his hips and says, "Got stuck, huh?" The truck driver says, "No, I was delivering this bridge and ran out of gas."
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Monday, October 02, 2006 by the Cat
Patient: How much to have this tooth pulled? Dentist: $100.00. Patient: $100.00 for just a few minutes work? Dentist: Well, I can extract it very slowly if you like.
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Sunday, October 01, 2006 by the Cat
Escaped hamster interrupts jet flight Fri Sep 29, 10:49 AM ETIt wasn't "Snakes on a Plane," but an Austrian Airlines jet made an unscheduled stop Friday after a passenger sneaked a hamster aboard and the rodent escaped. The flight from Palma de Mallorca, Spain, to the southern Austrian city of Graz made a stop in Innsbruck so officials could search for the hamster and make sure it didn't gnaw through any wiring, the airline said. It said the flight was diverted after a passenger notified the crew that he had brought a hamster aboard and had lost track of it. Passengers were ordered off the plane, and some were taken by bus to Graz. It was not immediately clear how many people were aboard. By midafternoon, a search of the aircraft still had not turned up any sign of the hamster, authorities said. Austrian Airlines said the jet would remain grounded until the hamster was found "because it can't take off that way for safety reasons."
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Observing life in a series of catnaps...